Meteorological Department Curaçao
Beryl Yuli 2024
Meteorological Department Curaçao
Boletin semanal 20 Nov te ku 26 Nov 2023
Weather Forecast for Curaçao and surroundings valid until Sunday morning 06:00
l.t., December 22, 2024.
Saturday December 21 2024, 05:00 l.t. (09:00 UTC).
Generally partly cloudy with a chance of a few short showers this
Forecast high will be 31ºC, and the low will be 27ºC.
Sunrise will occur at 06:51 and sunset at 18:16.
Easterly and gentle to moderate; force 3 to 4 (12 to 30 km/h, 7 to 16
knots). Occasionally fresh in gusts; force 5 (31 to 39 km/h 17 to 21 knots).
Mainly during the morning hours, an area of slight instability
and a humid atmosphere will cause some clouds to develop over our region. Some
of these clouds could generate a local shower over and around our island.
Thereafter, a mainly dry weather conditions is expected to prevail over most
parts of Curaçao. Furthermore, winds are expected to be moderate and
occasionally somewhat strong, while the sea on the north coast will remain quite
rough, due to some swell.
Sea conditions:
Slight to moderate with wave heights between 0.5 and 1.5 meter
(2 and 5 feet). Waves of up to 2 meters (7 feet) are expected along the north
coast, caused by swell.
Special features:
Outlook until Monday morning:
Partly cloudy with a chance of a shower during the
morning hours.
The next weather forecast will be issued on Saturday 11:00 l.t. (15:00 UTC).