Meteorological Department Curaçao
Beryl Yuli 2024
Meteorological Department Curaçao
Boletin semanal 20 Nov te ku 26 Nov 2023
Weather Forecast for Curaçao and surroundings valid until Tuesday morning
06:00 l.t., October 8, 2024.
Monday October 7, 2024, 05:00 l.t. (09:00 UTC).
Increasing clouds to mostly cloudy, with few to scattered isolated
rainfall along the day.
Forecast high will be 32ºC, and the low will be 26ºC.
Sunrise will occur at 06:25 and sunset at 18:22.
Light and variable. Occasionally calm at night; force 1 to 2 (1 to 11
km/hr, 1 to 6 knots). In the day, gusting at times to a gentle breeze; force 3
(12 to 19 km/hr, 7 to 10 knots).
Instability in the atmosphere across the area along with a light wind
flow, daytime heating and available moisture, caused by the Inter Tropical
Conversion Zone will be affecting the atmosphere during the next 48 hours.
Locally building clouds could trigger localized shower activity over and around
the island today through parts of tomorrow. Some of these showers could be
moderate to locally heavy and may be accompanied by some thunderstorm activity.
Moreover, slow moving rain clouds could lead to locally some minor flooding.
Sea conditions:
Slight to moderate with wave heights of less between 0.5 and 1
meter (2 to 4 feet). Light swells affect the northern and eastern seaboard.
Significant tropical weather systems:
Special features:
Outlook until Wednesday morning:
Mostly cloudy with a local shower possible and
winds will remain calm to light.
The next weather forecast will be issued on Monday at 11:00 l.t. (15:00 UTC).