Meteorological Department Curaçao
Beryl Yuli 2024
Meteorological Department Curaçao
Boletin semanal 20 Nov te ku 26 Nov 2023
Weather Forecast for Curaçao and surroundings valid until Thursday morning
6:00 l.t., December 5, 2024.
Wednesday December 4 2024, 05:00 l.t. (09:00 UTC).
Partly cloudy sky, becoming cloudy at times with widely scattered
showers through parts of tonight. Improved conditions is expected by tomorrow
with increasing winds.
Forecast high will be 30ºC, and the low will be 26ºC.
Sunrise will occur at 06:43 and sunset at 18:10.
Easterly and gentle to moderate; force 3 to 4 (12 to 30 km/h, 7 to 16
knots). Mainly in and around showers, occasionally fresh to strong in gusts;
force 5 to 6 (31 to 50 km/h, 17 to 27 knots).
The Atlantic high will continue to generate moderate easterly winds
across the eastern Caribbean region. Low - level clouds moving along this flow
will produce some showers over the area of our island.
Sea conditions:
Generally moderate with waves between 1 and 2 meter (3 and 6
feet). The highest wave action is over the open sea area.
Special features:
Outlook until Friday morning:
Partly cloudy sky and possibly with a few showers
The next weather forecast will be issued on Wednesday at 11:00 l.t. (15:00 UTC).