Meteorological Department Curaçao
Beryl Yuli 2024
Meteorological Department Curaçao
Boletin semanal 20 Nov te ku 26 Nov 2023
Weather Forecast for Curaçao and surroundings valid until Sunday morning 6:00
l.t., January 26, 2025.
Saturday January 25, 2025, 05:00 l.t. (09:00 UTC).
Partly cloudy with a sunny period and it may sprinkle this early
morning. Somewhat windier tonight on to tomorrow with increasing clouds and a
few showers at times.
Forecast high will be 31ºC, and the low will be 26ºC.
Sunrise will occur at 07:01 and sunset at 18:35.
Easterly and gentle to moderate; force 3 to 4 (12 to 30 km/h, 7 to 16
knots). A few occasional gusts to fresh; force 5 (31 to 39 km/h, 17 to 21
knots). Stronger by tomorrow.
Easterly gentle to moderate winds are expected across the region,
while patches of clouds with rain showers carried along this flow will remain
for the time being north of our island. For this reason, a dry weather is likely
to prevail today. A few short cloudy spells with occasional rain activity will
follow thereafter tonight through the next morning.
Sea conditions:
Slight to moderate with wave heights between 0.5 and 1.5 meter
(2 and 5 feet). The highest waves are in modest breakers over the near northern
offshore water.
Special features:
Outlook until Monday morning:
Clear to partly cloudy with a mainly dry weather.
The next weather forecast will be issued on Saturday 11:00 l.t. (15:00 UTC).