Meteorological Department Curaçao
Beryl Yuli 2024
Meteorological Department Curaçao
Boletin semanal 20 Nov te ku 26 Nov 2023
Weather Forecast for Curaçao and surroundings valid until Monday evening 18:00
l.t., March 31, 2025.
Sunday March 30, 2025, 17:00 l.t. (21:00 UTC).
Partly cloudy sky and sunny spells with a light insignificant shower
Forecast high will be 31 ºC, and the low will be 26 ºC.
Sunrise will occur at 06:33 and sunset at 18:47.
Easterly and gentle to fresh; force 3 to 5 (12 to 39 km/h, 7 to 21
knots). Possibly occasionally strong in gusts; force 6 (40 to 50 km/h, 22 to 27
Stable weather conditions are foreseen across the area, as a high
pressure remains the prevailing feature at least through the opening of a new
week. A few clouds however could move over the island at times along with
increasing winds, but significant weather is not anticipated. In general the
local sea condition will stay moderate, while the north facing seashore
continues to experience the highest wave action.
Sea conditions:
Moderate to locally fairly rough with wave heights between 1 and
2 meters (3 and 7 feet). The highest waves are over the north and east near
offshore water.
Special features:
Outlook until Tuesday evening:
Partly cloudy in general with a brief shower
The next weather forecast will be issued on Monday 05:00 l.t. (09:00 UTC).